Here are some ventures we have been involved in supporting and building through Popcorn’s innovative strategies, skilled network, and unique frameworks.
Name: Sea Green
Venture status: PRE-LAUNCH
Impact domain: Seaweed related technology and innovation
Role: Founder/Tech lead
Engagement term: 2019, 2023, 2+ years
Name: Critical
Venture: On-going startup
Impact domain: Plastic Recycling
Role: CTO, Consultant
Current: Shareholder
Engagement term: 2021-2023, 2 years
Summary: Support IP development, recruit and train team, scale production through to successful fundraise.
Name: oDocs Eye Care
Venture Status: On-going business
Impact domain: Med tech health access
Role: Consultant to CEO & director
Current: Shareholder
Engagement term: 2016-2017, 2 years
Summary: Foundational support in business and design development, team building, planning and fundraising.