Hanna Eastvold-Edwins Hanna Eastvold-Edwins

Playing Monopoly in a climate crisis

How many people in New Zealand play Monopoly?

I don’t only mean the game. I mean literally in real life, in the socioeconomic climate.

Buying property, selling property. Leverage. Speculate. Invest.

I count myself as one of them.

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Hanna Eastvold-Edwins Hanna Eastvold-Edwins

The Critical Waka

In case you were wondering what I have been working on instead of Popcorn and Seaweed, it’s because I have been working with Critical on their technology program.

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Hanna Eastvold-Edwins Hanna Eastvold-Edwins

A Brighter Future: Part time jobs

Let’s imagine if part time jobs were ubiquitous. If most people worked 4-5 hours a day for their employers, made the money they needed to survive, and then spent another 3-4 hours a day on other things.

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Hanna Eastvold-Edwins Hanna Eastvold-Edwins

Carbon counting for humans

Amid my newly founded disposition toward becoming ‘greener’, I attended an event called ClimateX.

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